For Space/Media Applications

Instead of using eye glasses for myopia and hypermetropia, we can set frequency at 10cm above our eyes/cornea from both the ends of spectacles to adjust our focal length.
This will take care of cornea shape of each body, lense muscles and ratina of our eye.

We can form a trend of - EF 56 frequency - EF510 frequency - EF610 frequency as per the comfort of every user, because every user has specific numbered eye glasses but their cornea is flat/abnormal/different from other users so again the rate of change of his long and short distance sightedness is different than other persons. Every person with same number of spectacle having different comfort zone based on theirs internal structure of eyes and diabetic level too.

so we can form frequency based on parameters and also the comfort zone.

just example

1.2 numbered spectacle for 100 persons might have 100 different comfort zones

but for

EF56 frequency taking care of 5-6 parameters might provide comfort to all 100 people with same 1.2 numbered spectacle.

so every person can come up with his own requirement of parameters

EF56 = 5-6 parameters
EF510 = 5-10 parameters and so on

Use Cases - We can use this system in space applications too. We can also set these type of frequencies on panel board of television set as per viewer's specifications.

NETRODA concept

If you want to take my photo here at India from your place then you can just intimate me to start NETRODA (next version of camera, based on light sensing capability in association of radius of curvature of earth). This will make you to understand the light image background near me (with some code) and I will send that in air at 36000km (at geosynchronous orbit) through my NETRODA. Then you can capture that by using your NETRODA (decode).

I believe that every matter is having its replication in space.


Study part
We can give birth to special light coded/decoded language, special light frequency generator, special camera connectors by using this concept.